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  • Writer's picture Nyoki Brown, LCSW-BACS


🌍🌱 NYC Climate Week Recap 🌱🌍

We had an incredible time at NYC Climate Week! The event brought together passionate individuals and organizations committed to tackling climate change and creating a more sustainable future. We want to thank the Consortium for Equitable Disaster Resilience (CEDR)  and Tulane University for allowing us to be a part of a groundbreaking project and amazing experience!

🌍 Key Takeaway: Collaboration is Key 🌍

Throughout Climate Week, one recurring theme was the importance of collaboration. We need governments, businesses, organizations, and individuals to come together and work towards common goals. By pooling our resources, knowledge, and efforts, we can make a significant impact in combating climate change.

Let's keep the momentum going beyond Climate Week! Together, we can create a sustainable and resilient future for all. 🌿🌎💚

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